Friday, July 4, 2008

The best acne treatment and birth control pills to clear up acne

Tea tree oil is by far the best topical acne treating remedy I have ever seen. By applying it directly onto your face or affected area, tea tree oil can effectively kill those acne causing bacterias deep under your skin. Doing so will treat acne as well as prevent it from coming back again.
For those who do not like the idea of using acids or chemicals in their skin, an alternative is available. Such products will be labeled herbal or natural. However the effectiveness of such treatments are unknown, as most of these natural medications have not been tested.
Even if you're currently taking medication or using an over the counter treatment for acne, reducing your stress level can help improve your overall skin condition. Here are some tips to help reduce stress and fight potential acne outbreaks. Most likely, these tips will not only help you improve your acne, they will help improve your overall health.
tags: pictures of people that have bad acne scars, pregnancy week 7 back acne, acne treatments if oral antibiotics doesn't work

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